Dark side of IVF via STAT News Gets Views

Dark side of IVF stories are few and far between, but we’re helping to change that. We made history of our own recently. Our #UnmaskingIVF stories were heard, acknowledged and included in the #IVFis40th narrative thanks in large part to STAT, a Boston Globe Media health reporting website.
The editors chose to include ‘our’ perspective and experience in First Opinion, a STAT section of opinion on medicine, biotechnology, and the life sciences. The article is titled: As the dark side of IVF slowly comes into focus, even more transparency is needed.
Dark Side of IVF Gets Views
You can help keep the story in the spotlight. There’s a “popular” section on STAT so please consider sharing and or retweeting the tweets. Some of the sharing and responses to date include the following:
Opinion: When opting for IVF, you’re also opting for a lot of not-knowing. This needs to change. https://t.co/ygEVuj8peZ
— STAT (@statnews) July 28, 2018
A hard-hitting piece on the history of IVF industry practices and “the dark side of assisted reproduction, a highly profitable industry that operates largely under the radar of regulators” from Pamela Tsigdinos @PamelaJeanne. https://t.co/2XUz5FBqo8 1/2
— Genetics and Society (@C_G_S) July 27, 2018
This has been a week of saccharine tributes to the #IVF industry. And while it has 8 million reasons to pat itself on the back, there’s still room for growth, esp when it comes to helping patients become truly educated consumers. @PamelaJeanne https://t.co/C2qO4x5Gdl
— Fertility Resilience (@drsilviafox) July 28, 2018
“Women and their partners can learn more today from a fast food menu than they can from a clinic selling expensive and life-altering assisted reproduction procedures.” https://t.co/xRgZ1XkIHs via @statnews
— Gideon Gil (@GideonGil) July 27, 2018
[The under-regulated, over-commercialized IVF industry] As the dark side of IVF slowly comes into focus, even more transparency is needed https://t.co/5d91sandNJ
— Roy Poses et al. (@HealthCareRenew) July 27, 2018
Solid reporting from @PamelaJeanne on the highly-commercialized and lightly-regulated IVF industry: https://t.co/A2KRA5OavS via @statnews
— Madeline Krebs (@madelinekrebs) August 1, 2018